Intuit Credit Karma

Mortgage Calculators

Credit Karma’s Mortgage calculators could help you estimate how much home you could afford, understand potential closing costs, and much more.

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A pie chart showing the breakdown of a loan's amortization schedule

Amortization Calculator

Calculate your home mortgage debt and display your payment breakdown of interest paid, principal paid and loan balance over the life of the loan.

An outline of a piece of paper with a dotted line for a signature when someone closes on a home

Closing Costs Calculator

Get a better idea of how much your closing costs could be when buying a home.

A small house with a percent symbol in the middle of it representing the interest portion of your FHA loan

FHA Loan Calculator

Find out how much your monthly mortgage could be with an FHA loan.

A small outline of a house with a heart in the middle representing the home you could afford

Home Affordability Calculator

Get a better idea of how much you could afford to pay for a house and what the monthly payment could be.

A small icon of a house with one door and one window

Mortgage Calculator

Get an estimate of the monthly mortgage payment you could pay, including property taxes and insurance, using this mortgage calculator.

An outline of a house with a dollar sign in the middle representing the money it might cost you if you get PMI with a mortgage

PMI Calculator

Get an idea of how much private mortgage insurance you may have to pay if you get a mortgage.

Papers stacked in a row with a dollar sign representing the decision to rent or buy a home based on financial calculations

Rent vs Buy Calculator

Find out if it makes more financial sense for you to buy a home or rent one. There are countless factors that come into play, but this calculator can help you get a better idea of whether to rent or buy.

Outline of a house with a dollar sign representing a home secured through a VA Loan

VA Loan Calculator

Find out what the estimated monthly payment and other loan terms could be with a VA loan.