| Jul 27, 2009

7 tips for a successful credit card dispute

"It's no secret that in this recession, many travel companies are playing the discount-and-surcharge game. You know, the one where they slash prices and then add hidden fees to make up the difference. It would follow, then, that a lot of unwanted charges are popping up on credit card bills - fees that, if not removed, will end up being contested."

Liz Pulliam Weston's Amazon Blog | Jul 23, 2009

Credit scores stable despite limits cuts: Credit Karma

"Despite concerns that credit card limit cuts would devastate consumers' credit, scores nationwide seem to be holding steady, according to Credit Karma, a score-tracking site." | Jul 16, 2009

Average credit scores down from 2007, but leveling off

"Credit card company policies that drastically cut people's available credit over the past two years did their damage to credit scores as expected. Credit Karma, in its trend study, reported today that according to its June Credit Score Climate Report the current average U.S. consumer credit score was 674 in May." | Jul 8, 2009

New Credit Rules Bring Unintended Consequences

"You've seen a lot of credit card companies already starting to raise their interest rates," said Ken Lin, founder and CEO of Credit Karma, a provider of credit reports and scores. "With default rates over 10 percent, credit card companies are trying to get ahead of the curve before the Credit Card Act takes effect." | Apr 8, 2009

A web-based survival toolbox

Monitor your credit. CreditKarma lets you see your credit scores for free. It also does credit score modeling so you can see how a planned financial action might raise or lower your score. | Feb 9, 2009

Protecting your identity on the Internet

More than 10 million people were victims of identity theft last year. As a result, privacy experts suggest checking your credit report every few months. A new web site called Credit Karma is a good place to start to help keep your identity safe. | Feb 5, 2009

Financial Websites, to Trust or Not to Trust

Well, now that the economical crisis is taking effect, many people have started to give their financial status more attention; starting from regulating purchases, to investment decisions and scholar funds, and maybe that is why financial websites such as Mint and Credit Karma are expected to flourish during this period. | Jan 29, 2009

Credit scores available for free

Credit scores used to be a tightly controlled secret. But the new democratization of credit scores means shame on you if you don't know what's going on with your credit and your credit score. | Dec 29, 2008

How to really get your credit score for free – over and over and over

The latest that I've just started using is Credit Karma, which allows people to check their credit score for free -- and as often as they like. I have to think that this is going to really irritate some of the other organizations out there that make you pay to see your credit score.